Fancy a tenner? Well who wouldn’t?
As a Nutrilawn customer, refer a friend and you’ll both get £10 off your next treatment.
Best of all, it’s unlimited. We’ll just continue adding £10 to your account, which means ALL of your treatments could be free and that you clearly have a lot of friends – you popular person!
Simply complete the following form or call 0800 612 5567. Once your friend becomes a Nutrilawn customer, all you have to do is sit back and let the free treatments roll-in!
And why stop there? You can refer us to as many people as you like and we’ll keep crediting you (and your friends) with £10 – you scratch our back and we’ll scratch yours.
Hey! Where’s my reward?
If you think you may have referred a friend since 21st September 2022 and not received your free treatment, submit a message on our ‘contact us’ page, including your friend’s name or just call us on 0800 612 5567 and we’ll do a little investigating!